Energy & Natural Resources Information
The State and other resources provide excellent information to help residents improve energy efficiency and natural resources protection and preservation.
Visit the links below to learn more.
Natural Resources

* Vermont State Act 250
* Burn permit: call 802.786.9797
* State Firewood Quarantine
* Green Mountain National Forest * Green Up Vermont
* Fish and Wildlife Regulations
* Hunting seasons
* Hunting/Fishing licenses
* VT Watershed Management Division
* Permits pertaining to all shore lands
* VT Invasive species info
Energy Efficiency

* Act 174 Standards for Recommendations/Determinations * Energy Planning Standards for Municipal Plans
Conservation Commissions

As part of the town plan, there is an item to present to citizens what conservation commissions are and outline what is involved in forming one in Danby.
What Are Conservation Commissions?
In Vermont, conservation commissions are advisory bodies that exist in many towns across the state. Broadly, they are established to help communities protect and enhance their natural resources. In 1977, Vermont passed the enabling legislation (24 V.S.A. 4501) to establish municipal conservation commissions. By 1996, 96 Vermont towns had conservation commissions or similar committees. Today there are just over 100 conservation commissions in Vermont.
What Can Conservation Commissions Do?
Under state law, municipal conservation commissions may do things like make inventories of the town’s natural resources including lands that have agricultural, scientific, historical, educational, or cultural value or important, or provide ecosystem services like groundwater recharge, storm water control, flood protection, wildlife habitat and other values; receive gifts of land for conservation purposes; assist and advise the local planning commission and select board on natural resource issues; and encouraging the public’s understanding of their local environment through educational activities. Conservation commissions do not have regulatory power as do some other bodies, like select boards or planning commissions; conservation commissions are advisory boards only.
What’s the Relationship between Conservation Commissions and Planning Commissions?
Conservation commissions can work effectively with local planning commissions and other local, regional, and state organizations and agencies. Often planning commissions are overburdened with the details of other town work. A conservation commission can focus its energies on that town’s natural resources and thereby ensure that the conservation interests of its community are being addressed. Conservation commissions can also assist planning commissions with the review and evaluation of development proposals. The mere presence of conservation commissions has encouraged residents to approach commissions with conservation concerns and goals to protect or donate their land.
If you are interested in forming a 'CC' in Danby, please send an email from the 'Contact Us' page.
You can save/print the documents at these links for additional details on conservation commissions: HERE & HERE