Emergencies and Other Important Info
>In the event of an emergency, please call 911 for immediate assistance.<
Rutland County Sheriff’s office has a contract with Danby to take care of any policing needs.
Phone number is 802-775-8002.
For fire emergencies, call 802-293-5100 directly. This number is the fire chief's direct dispatch.
For road conditions, visit this link.
Emergency Medical Services

An independent non-profit organization providing emergency medical services to five towns in the Northshire, including Danby.
Rutland Regional Medical Center
The physicians and staff at Vermont’s second largest hospital are committed to providing patients, families and the community with exceptional medical care in a warm and caring environment.

Southwestern VT Medical Center
Southwestern Vermont Health Care is an award-winning community health system located in Bennington, VT, consisting of a full-service community hospital, a nursing home, home health agency and an integrated medical group.

State Police
The Vermont State Police, Rutland Barracks, provides police services to the residents and visitors of Rutland County. Rutland County consists of 27 towns and 1 city that covers a span of 932 square miles with a population base of 63,641 full time residents.
Emergency Management
Family Emergency Preparedness
For preparing your family for an emergency, read this document from the state.
Vermont Alert
Sign up for real-time alerts to your mobile device at VT-Alert.
Disaster Recovery
Visit this site for great tips on organizing the community during a crisis.
All-Hazard Mitigation
Danby, VT's Hazard Mitigation Plan:
Learn more about the town's plan for emergencies.
Public Safety & Security
Childhood Immunization Services
Immunizations are the single most important way to protect your family against serious and sometimes deadly diseases. Visit State of Vermont and Rutland County sites for more information.
Adult Protective Services
The mission of the State of Vermont Adult Protective Services program is to protect vulnerable adults whose health and welfare may be adversely affected by abuse, neglect or exploitation; raise public awareness of adult abuse issues; and educate mandatory reporters about their responsibilities.
Assisted Living for Seniors
About Assisted Living, Senior Guidance and Caring.com are three separate organizations dedicated to providing helpful senior living resources for the elderly. Their websites outline services available for seniors living in Vermont including helpful state programs and assisted living facilities in every city, town and county in Vermont.
Animal Care and Control
Rutland County Humane Society provides shelter and adoption opportunities for pets who are homeless and promotes animal welfare through community programs that benefit both animals and people. Second Chance Animal Center is in Arlington, VT.